Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lipatan napkin


1. Bring top and bottom edges to center leaving 1" gap

2. Pleat sharply

3. Pinch center together, secure with ring

4. Fan



1. Fold corners to center

2. Fold corners to center again

3. Repeat a 3rd time

4. Turn over and fold to center again

5. With pressure in center, pull first 4 petals from back, than 8 more, 12 points in all


Bird of Paradised

1. Fold napkin in half, and repeat until quartered

2. With loose edges at bottom, fold in half, bottom to top

3. Turn corners down

4. Fold bottom tips under to back

5. Fold in half, lengthwise

6. Gripping tightly, pull edges up and arrange them



1. Fold in half to form large triangle

2. Turn up 1" hem

3. Flip over

4. Roll up tightly, tuck corner into hem

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